England’s roadmap out of lockdown

22 Feb 2021  •  Last updated 17 Feb 2025  •  5 min read

The plan has been announced. We have a projected end date out of lockdown and CoVid-19 restrictions, and the team at Lawsons, Thetford’s independent estate agents, couldn’t be happier.

With 17.7 million people vaccinated so far across England, (22nd February 2021) in Boris Johnson’s own words, “we are now travelling on a one-way road to freedom”.

That road has been laid out in four simple steps, each set at least 5 weeks apart. But there is one thing which will see our road to freedom being a success: data, not dates.

So, people of Thetford, here’s what our road out of lockdown looks like (as long as data continues to behave):

8th March – All schools will re-open, whilst two people from two different households can meet outside for a picnic or outdoors drink.

29th March – Outdoor gatherings of up to 2 households, or 6 people will be allowed to meet, including in gardens.

Outdoor sport facilities can reopen (including tennis and golf), as well as organised outdoor sports for both adults and children being given the green light.

12th April – A critical date for many, with non-essential shops reopening, together with hairdressers, and public libraries.

Outdoor settings can also reopen, including beer gardens, zoos and theme parks.

Indoor swimming pools and gyms will reopen their doors, and self-contained holiday accommodation can also restart.

17th May – Two households will be permitted to mix indoors with the rule of 6 being applied within hospitality.

Cinemas, museums, performances and sporting events can begin again, with social distancing measures being applied. Whilst up to 10,000 spectators can attend the largest outdoor sporting events.

Weddings will also be given the go-ahead, with 30 attendees permitted to weddings, receptions, funerals and wakes.

This may also be the key date when the government decide whether the lift the “work from home guidance”, as well as allowing 1 visitor per care-home resident, and exploring options for live-music to start again.

21st June – As the government carefully keep an eye on the activity of CoVid-19 during these crucial dates, as long as everything falls in line with the hopes of the nation, and indeed the world, 21st June is the key date set for legal limits on social contact to be lifted. Should that happen, what a time it will be!

What are the key variants the government will be tracking to meet these target dates?

  • The vaccine programme continues to go plan
  • Evidence proves that vaccinations are reducing deaths and numbers of people admitted to hospitals
  • Infection rates do not risk a surge in further hospital admissions
  • New variants do not risk the lifting of restrictions

So, that’s the plan out of lockdown as we know it.

With each key date we manage to reach, we are looking forward to reopening our doors. Until then, we remain available for pre-booked appointments as we continue to keep Thetford moving.

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